Tips and tricks

Explore the differences between indoor vs. outdoor cannabis growing, including their effects on potency, taste, and environmental impact to help you decide the best method for your cannabis cultivation needs.

The Basics of Indoor vs. Outdoor Cannabis Growing

Cannabis is a very special plant, because although it’s very hardy, its flower only grows under certain conditions. The most widely used cultivation method for obtaining beautiful cannabis flowers is indoor growing. But some cannabis growers are going back to basics and starting to cultivate cannabis outdoors again.

So we asked ourselves about the pros and cons of growing cannabis outdoors and indoors. Which should you choose for your weed? Indoor or outdoor?

Cannabis Growing: Controlled Environments vs. Natural Conditions


Indoor Growing:

Indoor growing involves a controlled environment where lighting, temperature, and humidity are precisely managed, often using grow lights such as LED and HPS. It allows for hydroponics or soil-based systems, but generally incurs higher costs due to the necessary equipment and electricity consumption. In short, you have better control over your plants’ environment, but at a high cost.

Outdoor Growing:

Outdoor growing relies on natural sunlight and weather conditions, follows seasonal growing cycles, and typically uses soil and organic methods. It has lower initial costs, but is highly dependent on climate and geographic conditions. 

How Indoor vs Outdoor Cannabis Growing Affects Potency and Consistency


Indoor Growing:

Indoor growing yields cannabis with consistent quality and potency due to controlled growth conditions, allows for higher THC levels through selective breeding and optimized conditions, and offers predictability in effects for consumers. It’s like following a recipe to the letter: 99% of the time, there are no unpleasant surprises. 

Outdoor Growing:

On the other hand, outdoor growing delivers a unique terpene profile influenced by the natural environment, leading to wider variability in effects. It often results in larger yields but with potential variability in potency and quality due to environmental factors. This means that you have a greater chance of losing your crop or obtaining different effects depending on the growth cycle. Also, growing cannabis outdoors typically takes longer than in a controlled environment.

Flavor Profiles and Aromatic Qualities


Indoor Growing:

Indoor growing allows for controlled nutrient intake, enhancing specific flavors and aromas, and provides tighter control over the drying and curing processes to maximize flavor retention.

Outdoor Growing:

However, exposure to the elements also has its qualities. If your cannabis plant is often exposed to the sun, its rays will influence the development of terpenes. Beware, however, of overexposure, which could kill the plant.

So… indoor or outdoor?

Indoor and outdoor cannabis growing methods each have their own pros and cons. Indoor growing provides control and consistency, while outdoor cultivation allows nature to potentially enhance the plant’s natural properties. 

For most beginners and small-scale growers, we’d recommend starting with outdoor cultivation. It’s generally more cost-effective and requires less technical knowledge compared to indoor growing. However, if you prioritize control over environmental factors and consistent results, indoor cultivation might be the better choice.