Health, Tips and tricks

As more people smoking reefer than ever, discover our list of tips and tricks on how to get unhigh. A quick and comprehensive overview of the tools to prevent a cannabis intoxication.

With more people smoking reefer than ever, It is important to know how to get unhigh; for most this is a euphoric experience colored by creative thoughts, giggles and munchies, harmless. However, occasionally, THC will have an unpredictable effect on someone’s body chemistry, and they may feel too high, or perhaps the timing isn’t right, and you find yourself in a situation where you would like to sober up quickly. Considering the wide variety of strains and delivery systems, modern cannabis users need to be armed with the tools to get unhigh when circumstances call for it.

Understanding The Cannabis “High”

Cannabis contains several active compounds, most notably THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which is primarily responsible for the “high” feeling. THC acts upon your brain’s cannabinoid receptors, changing the release of neurotransmitters, thus changing your perceptions, intensity of hunger, mood, desire to freestyle, and other aspects of your consciousness. The length of a high varies based on many factors, including the strain of cannabis, how much was consumed, and your individual metabolism. Generally, the feeling will naturally subside in a few hours.

However, if you find yourself in a rush to get rid of these effects, try these tricks to get unhigh :


1. Relax

The last thing you want to hear during a bugout, but the reality is panic can makes the discomfort worse; you’re not in any physical danger, you’re just stoned.

2. Stay Hydrated

Drinking water or other electrolyte-rich beverages not only reduces cotton mouth, but can also aid in flushing out the THC metabolites from your system faster. Avoid caffeine and alcoholic as they increase dehydration which will prolong the process.

3. Have Some Food

Eat foods rich in proteins and fats as they might help you metabolize the THC faster but take it slow – you don’t want to eat gorge in a cannabis induced frenzy and find yourself nauseous.

4. Lemon and Pine Nuts

An OG remedy is to eat foods high in terpenes, the aromatic compounds found in many plants, including cannabis. Terpenes like limonene, found in lemons, and pinene, found in pine nuts, can potentially counteract some effects of THC. Try squeezing some lemon juice into your water, or snack on a handful of pine nuts.

5. Physical Activity

Moving your body can assist in reducing paranoia and anxiety that often come with a strong high; avoid super-intense workouts as you don’t want your heart rate to spike too heavily. Do some yoga, take a walk, or shake something to one of your favorite tunes.

6. Rest and Sleep

This is the best way to come down. GO TO SLEEP. If you can’t sleep, just close your eyes, and take some deep breaths; it will really help with relaxing your mind and body. One of the most effective ways to come down from a cannabis high is to sleep it off.

7. CBD to the Rescue

CBD, another cannabinoid without psychoactive effects, can help reduce some of the effects of THC; be careful though, for some people CBD has the power to intensify the THC high.

8. Distract Your Mind

Stop thinking about the fact that you’re high and read a book, watch a movie, listen to some music, call your “cool” aunt you haven’t spoken to since the holidays. Anything to take your mind off the fact that you’re super-stoned will help you in this process.

9. Black Pepper Trick

Sniff (don’t snort) or chew (don’t swallow) some black peppercorns; black pepper contains a terpene called beta-caryophyllene that can help mitigate the effects of THC.

10. Hot Shower or Bath

Hot water helps relax your muscles and mind, and the steam clears your sinuses, which provides comfort to the highest of the high.

Should I consider eating edibles to dose the effects of cannabis ?


The simple answer to this question is no. While eating edibles might sound safer than inhaling cannabis, the good old joint will be easier to dose. This is mainly because the consumed cannabis gets absorbed, digested and processed in your stomach, liver, and intestines. The way your body processes cannabis will then change how you’ll experience it.

And because of that, edibles often have long-lasting effects (between 6 and 12 hours), and the effects are no immediate, you’ll generally need to wait 1 to 2 hours after taking the edible before feeling any effect. And that is the main reason why edibles are far more difficult to dose if you are a new consumer. For a safer experience, consider lighting up a good ol’ pre-roll to easily feel and manage the effects.

How to get unhigh : moderate your consumption

Sometimes you’re going to feel high, and the tools above can help bring you back to a manageable level, but the best tool is to moderate your consumption. Remember, when consuming cannabis you can always have more, but you can’t have less; in other words, start slow to assess your reaction before consuming more.

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